Nutritional Therapy Consultation

My approach is to first use diet and lifestyle as the backbone of nutritional therapy, and then use specific nutrients as supplements to support body systems. Because of our demineralized farmlands and the processing and fortification of foods, our food supply has become depleted and sometimes toxic to long-term human consumption, resulting in exhaustion, hormone dysregulation, inflammation of all kinds, and autoimmune disease.

I have seen success in many clients who were hopeless to find a way to thrive using conventional therapies alone, and I find the most joy in helping the “hard cases.” Because I believe in empowering people to heal themselves, I spend a good deal of time educating about lifestyle changes which will affect health outcomes over time. Naturally, clients who are self-motivated to make changes themselves and open to new paradigms are the most successful in changing their health picture and discovering the vibrance that was buried all along.

In addition to education through this site and the Instagram page @cleangreenstart I also periodically speak on a variety of health topics at local events, and offer group challenges by text.

Services and Pricing

Bronwyn Deiter operates a Nutritional Therapy consulting practice as a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner.

At this time we are primarily working in packages of 3 consultations, over an 8-12 week timeframe to see changes in your wellness picture. Alternatively, you may choose to have an Initial Consultation, then lab work, then a Return Consultation to build a 3 month plan, then return as desired to update 3 month plans. Our hope would be that after 3 months you have made such significant improvements that you are in an optimal place and do not require further consultations. For more complex situations, returning more often may be needed.

Initial Consultation
60 minutes, $150
if functional clinical evaluation (in-person appointment) is included, allow 90 minutes, $200

Reviewing areas of need from the NutriQ evaluation, time for the client to fully express their goals, determining greatest areas of need and prioritizing which foundations of wellness to focus nutritional therapy upon first. Some diet counseling and baseline supplement recommendations may be included. Please come with labwork done to discuss at this appointment.

Return Consultation
30 minutes, $60

Review of labwork, checking on progress toward wellness goal, retesting LNT markers against baseline, building a 3 month plan for change, diet and supplement recommendations.

Client Support

We understand that a client may have quick questions in relation to dosage schedules, implementation, product vetting, etc. Please direct these questions to Bronwyn via Text at 360-525-9921 or by email at If it seems that the question will require more than a couple minutes to address, we will ask you to schedule a Return Consultation to discuss.


Payment requested prior to consultations. Please Paypal or if you would like to pay by check, please request the mailing address by messaging